Why You Should leave Blocked Drains to an Expert

Why You Should leave Blocked Drains to an Expert

Blocked drains are nothing if not an inconvenience. Small blockages can be a hassle, embarrassment, and a nuisance, but large obstructions have the potential of causing a lot of damage and costing a lot of money to fix. To a handyman or DIY enthusiast, a simple blocked drain, such as a blocked kitchen sink, may seem like an easy fix, and a larger, more complicated blocked drains, such as stormwater or sewer may seem like a task they can take on to save some money. However, in both cases, it really does pay to leave blocked drains to an expert.

At iSpecialise, we attend homes with blocked drains daily. While most customers are wise enough to leave the repairs to us, others have given it a good crack themselves only to worsen the problem. If you’re considering trying your hand at unblocking a drain, then I urge you to read this article and then you may reconsider.

Blocked drains should always be left to an expert to clear. Continue reading to find out why.

You may worsen the problem

Approaching a blocked drain as a novice/DIY enthusiast earns points for trying, but in the end, may come back to bite you. Each type of blocked drain requires a different approach. Unless you have the experience in knowing what tools and equipment to use for each kind of blockage, you’re likely going to foil your efforts.

For example, a blocked kitchen sink is different from a blocked sewer line. To try and clear a kitchen sink with the tools used for a sewer is overkill and will likely damage your kitchen, and vice versa, trying to clear a blocked sewer drain armed with a plunger isn’t going to do a thing.

Moreover, even if you manage to clear a blockage with MacGyver-like ways, you’re likely to leave part of the original obstruction behind. Any remaining obstruction will only attract more debris which in time will result in another blockage. Worse off, you may cause significant damage to pipes, and damaging pipes are very expensive and messy to repair – much more costly than hiring a plumber to clear the blockage!

You may injure yourself

A blocked drain may seem straightforward and harmless to fix. However, if you try to clear it with chemicals or equipment that you’re not experienced in using, the chances of causing self-injury are high.

If you turn to chemicals to unblock your drain, you risk chemical burns and possible blindness if the chemicals splash up and hurt it. There has even been a reported incident where a licensed plumber even received horrific acid burns trying to clear a blocked drain using a bottle of sulphuric acid.

Plumbers clear it fast and clear it right!

Even the most determined DIY’er will take considerable time to unblock a drain without experience or the right tools. There may be a lot of trial and error, all the while the blockage will be causing more havoc, more damage, and potentially lodging even tighter than before.

A plumber knows how to tackle a particular type of blocked drain to relieve the blockage swiftly, and with minimal damage to your property. In fact, here at iSpecialise, we almost always are able to clear any block – big or small, minor or sever – in under an hour. This includes blockages that require specialised equipment such as rods, jetters and CCTV cameras.


A blocked drain may appear to be a simple task to clear, but it really should be left to a professional plumber to clear.

There are plenty of dangers to DIY plumbing and using tools that you may not be experienced in using.  You may make the problem worse or injure yourself.

If a drain can’t be cleared with simple DIY measures such as a plunger, drain-O, or pouring hot water down the drainpipe, then leaving it to an expert, such as iSpecialise, to unblock is not only a wise decision but a safe one. As professional plumbers, we know how to clear a blocked drain fast and how to go about it the right way using the right tools for the job.

If you have blocked drains in Auckland and would like a professional to clear the blockage safely and quickly, pick up the phone and dial 09-2322 895.

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